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Faculty of Computing and Information

Faculty of Computing and Information strives to achieve the ultimate objectives and goals of the Kingdom's development plan. From this perspective, it deems the necessity of coping with the technology era by introducing modern and specialized academic programs that meet the growing needs for the Information Technology development in the kingdom. The philosophy of the faculty is derived from the fact that today's knowledge and knowledge-based economy require scientists and professionals from different disciplines to cooperate for the development and utilization of a wide range of skills and knowledge to provide solutions to social needs.

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Bachelor of Information Technology

Bachelor of Information Technology


The Information Technology program offers a program that provides the necessary skills and knowledge to enable its students to understand and explain the importance of technology and its applications in all areas of work, human activity, research, and science.


After a few years of completing a Bachelor of Information Technology, the graduate will have the ability to:

  • Meet the current and future challenges in IT
  • Enable graduate students to gain leadership positions in the IT sector, Industry, and IT research and applications.
  • Practice effectively as an IT specialist by leading, designing, developing and maintaining various IT projects.
  • Do postgraduate studies and research in the field of computing.
  • Be morally and socially responsible and communicate effectively with peers, as members or as leaders in multidisciplinary teams.

Program Learning Outcomes

Knowledge and Understanding


Realize the main concepts and theories in information technology, including programming, software processes, algorithms, abstraction, performance, security, networking, databases, web systems, system integration and architecture.


Describe the local and global impact of computing on individuals, organizations and society.



Develop a computer-based system, process, component, or program to meet desired needs.


Discuss user needs and consider them in the selection, creation, evaluation and administration of computer-based systems.


Demonstrate ability to communicate with, and learn from, experts from different domains.


Explain professional, ethical, legal, security, and social issues and responsibilities.


Analyze a problem to determine the computing requirements appropriate to its solution


Effectively communicate concepts and techniques in oral presentations.

Values, Autonomy, and Responsibility


Commit leadership and willingness to cooperate fully with others in joint projects and initiatives.


Distribute IT-based solutions into the user environment effectively.

Potential Jobs

  •  Programmer / Developer.
  • Systems Analyst / Databases.
  •  Software engineer and quality.
  •  Designer / Developer / Database Manager.
  •  Manager / Auditor information security.
  •  Developer/administrator of web pages.
  •  Project Manager.
  •  Network administrator.
  •  Information Technology Researcher.

Courses description

Level Course Coordinator
1 CS1001_Fundamentals of Digital Transformation  
1 CS1002_Introduction to Computing and Algorithms  
1 ENGL1001_English 1  
1 IT1001_Foundation of Information Technology  
2 CS1005_Programming 1  
2 ENGL1002_English 2  
2 MATH1001_Calculus 1  
3 CS1251_Programming 2  
3 ENGL1003_English 3  
3 MATH10301_Statistics  
4 CS1003_Discrete Structure  
4 CS1252_Probability  
4 CS1256_Data Structures  
4 IT1251_IT Infrastructure  
4 IT1255_Techenical Writing  
5 IT1002_Database 1  
5 IT1252_Computer Networks 1  
5 IT1253_Operating Systems  
5 IT254_Web Technology 1  
6 IT1257_Computer Networks 2  
6 IT1258_Web Technology 2  
6 IT1259_Computer Organization and Architecture  
7 CS1752_Research Methods  
7 IT1501_IT Project Management  
7 IT1502_Software Engineering 1  
7 IT1503_Foundation of Cybersecurity  
8 IS1501_Computing Ethics  
8 IT1504_System Administration  
8 IT1505_IT Audit and Control  
8 IT1506_Mobile App Development  
9 IT1507_Database 2  
9 IT1508_Software Engineering 2  
9 IT1509_Field Training  
10 IT1751_Cloud Computing  
10 IT1752_User Experience Design  
10 IT1754_Senior Project 1  
10 IT1753_System Maintenance (N/A)  
11 IT1755_Internet of Things  
11 IT1756_IT Enterprise Architecture  
11 IT1757_Introduction to Artificial Intelligence  
12 IT11203_Senior Project 2  
12 IT1758_IT Service Integration  
12 IT1759_IT Governance  
College Elective CS1513_Unix OS Environment  
College Elective CS1514_Advanced Programming and Design Patterns  
College Elective CS1514_Blockchain Technology  
College Elective IS1513_Digital Marketing  
College Elective IS1514 Digital Entrepreneurship  
College Elective IT1513_Software Testing  
Elective A IT1761_Computer Forensics  
Elective A IT1762_Information Security Management  
Elective B IT1763_Network Security  
Elective B IT1764_IT Risk Management  
Elective C IS1752_Database Administration  
Elective C IT766_Advanced System Administration  
Elective D IT1767_Data Science  
Elective D IT1768_Computer Games