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Faculty of Computing and Information

Faculty of Computing and Information strives to achieve the ultimate objectives and goals of the Kingdom's development plan. From this perspective, it deems the necessity of coping with the technology era by introducing modern and specialized academic programs that meet the growing needs for the Information Technology development in the kingdom. The philosophy of the faculty is derived from the fact that today's knowledge and knowledge-based economy require scientists and professionals from different disciplines to cooperate for the development and utilization of a wide range of skills and knowledge to provide solutions to social needs.

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  Position Name Personal Email Position Email Ext
1 Dean Dr. Nizar H. Alsharif nizar@bu.edu.sa fci@bu.edu.sa 15982
2 Vice Dean of Academic Affairs Dr.Mohammad Eid Alwazzab meid@bu.edu.sa vd_ccsaa@bu.edu.sa 16188
3 Vice Dean for posttgraduate studies, research and innovation Dr.Abdulkareem Awadah Alzahrani ao.alzahrani@bu.edu.sa dq-csit@bu.edu.sa  
4 Vice Dean for the female section Dr.Maha M. Alamri m.alamri@bu.edu.sa ccsitf@bu.edu.sa 15025
5 Head of the Department of Computer Science Dr. Fahad Ali Rashed Ghamdi fghamdi@bu.edu.sa cs-dept@bu.edu.sa  
6 Assistant to the Head of the Computer Science Department Dr. Eidah Mohamed Alzahrani em.alzahrani@bu.edu.sa    
7 Head of the department of Systems and Networks Dr. Eidah Juman Alzahrani ejalzahrani1@bu.edu.sa cis-dept@bu.edu.sa  
8 Assistant to the Head of the Systems and Networks Department Dr. Ahlam Nabli anabli@bu.edu.sa    
9 Head of the department of Information Technology Dr.Ahmad A. Alqarni aaalqarni@bu.edu.sa it-dept@bu.edu.sa  
10 Assistant to the Head of the Information Technology Department Dr. Sonia Saeed Lajmi slajmi@bu.edu.sa    
11 Head of the department of Software Engineering Dr.Anwar Saeed Alsokari asalsokari@bu.edu.sa    
12 College Administrator Mr. Abdulrahman Rasheed Alzahrani arasheed@bu.edu.sa   16177
13 College Administrator for female section Mrs. Mariam Ali Ghamdi ma.alghamdi@bu.edu.sa   15024