Faculty of Arts and Humanities

Faculty of Arts and Humanities

As a response to the national development requirements and the integrative role of the higher education in labor market, the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at Albaha University was established by the royal decree no. 9682/MB dated 05-08-1426H to meet labor market needs in the public and private sectors. The Faculty includes distinguished theoretical scientific departments of Islamic Studies, Arabic Language, Foreign Languages and History. The Faculty is committed to its educational, research and community service responsibilities in accordance with the University vision and the Kingdom educational policies.

Menu College

Department of Islamic Studies

Department of Islamic Studies


The Department of Islamic Studies is one of the academic departments at Albaha University. The Department is concerned with service of society and promoting its youth in the fields of Islamic Studies and knowledge. Another objective of the Department is the contribution to establishing a refined society based on both originality and modernization.

The Department has been based on the sublime values and rules aiming at establishing morals in the light of proper Islamic vision of the universe, man, life and destiny; which makes the Department a source and a means of spreading religious knowledge, and graduating religious young men and women pursuing the tracks of the prophet Muhammad pbuh and his honorable companions May Allah be pleased with them.


Playing a leading role in the provision male and female students with the academic knowledge taken from Holy Qur'an and Sunnah. Additionally, the Department shows keenness on supplying its students with the research and critical thinking skills required for proper academic theses reflecting the Saudi society Islamic heritage.


  • Seeking to achieve the general objectives of the university.

  • Application of quality standards and academic accreditation in the academic programs offered.

  • providing creative and efficient graduates in Sharia and Islamic studies that are capable of serving the Saudi society and the Islamic nation as well.

  • Connecting the society with its authentic academic legacy and Islamic culture, and forming its identity according to its Islamic identity that distinguishes it from others.

  • Seeking to influence the global cultural product and enrich it with the values and teachings of Islam, through cultural meetings and pertinent international conferences.

  • Upgrading scientific research in Islamic studies, employing it to deal with new developments, and treating problems with high efficiency.

  • Preparation of researchers in Islamic studies that possess the skills of thinking and the foundations of academic research.

  • Meeting society's needs of various religious jobs.

Academic Counseling

  • Helping students to know the regulations governing admission and registration.

  • Creating social and academic environment in which junior and senior students mix properly.

  • Equipping students with the skills of self-direction and self-control which means that they become conscious of themselves, and that they understand their capabilities, circumstances and environment well.

  • Creating social and academic environment in which junior and senior students mix properly.

  • Paying attention to low-achievers and the reasons behind the drawbacks so as to treat the cases.

  • Providing students with academic counseling services that fulfill efficiency in learning.

  • Assisting students to specify their future aims and set their plans accordingly.

  • Making positive modifications within the student’s behavior towards his society culturally, socially and professionally.


Bachelor's degree in developed part-time program
