Statistics and Information Department

Statistics and Information Department

The Statistics and Information Unit was launched in 1429 AH to be a reference for all data and statistics related to the university. In order to maintain with the development and improvement witnessed by the university in all fields, the university changed the name of the Statistics and Information Unit, to the Department of Statistics and Information in 1442 AH. The main objective of the statistics and the information department is to present information and reports on the various activities of the university, and provide the relevant authorities inside and outside with what they need of information and statistics.

Statistics and Information Department



Leading the organization of statistical inputs and outputs to build a knowledge society.



Providing accurate information and data according to the best standards to support decision-making in a way that contributes to development



    • Continuous development of tools and mechanisms for data collection, analysis and documentation.

    • Enabling decision makers to obtain reliable and supportive information for their decisions.

    • Completing the information and statistical reports required from various university’s units.

    • Bridging the information gap and gathering all statistical services under one roof.




  • Teamwork

  • Effective communication

  • Dedication

  • Flexibility

  • Innovation