Saudi Scientific Association for Educational Leadership

Saudi Scientific Association for Educational Leadership

The Saudi Scientific Association for Educational Leadership (SSAEL) is a scientific association operating under the supervision of Al-Baha University, and its activities are connected by the rector of the university or the authorized person by the rector. Its main building is in the Faculty of Education.

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Speech of the President of the Constituent Committee

It. The members of SSAEL are various, and we all endeavor towards common objectives: enhance the leadership knowledge and its applied practices, develop the leadership skills of the youth, develop our institutions, contribute effectively in fulfilling the national vision 2030 for the benefit of the community and improve life and more.
We are happy to join as a member of SSAEL and work permanently to enhance our services to meet your professional needs and your leadership endeavors and to increase your influence where you are. We believe that the leadership voice should occupy the appropriate place permanently to contribute to solving critical issues and draw a path toward a better future.

We thank your trust in SSAEL.