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General Administration of Library Affairs

The Department of Library Affairs at Al Baha University was established in 1429 AH (2008 AD). The Department of Library Affairs technically and administratively supervises all library affairs at Al Baha University, including central and branch libraries, in addition to the technical departments and service departments. It is also responsible for the annual supply process and policy-making. General libraries at the university, and the administration carries out all activities related to library and information affairs inside and outside the university.

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Dean Message


In order to achieve the satisfaction of beneficiaries of its services, the Department of Library Affairs seeks to support knowledge, culture and scientific research, and improve learning outcomes through its constant endeavor to provide print and digital information sources in an appropriate environment, and work to facilitate beneficiaries’ access to them through a number of systems and services such as: Library management (Symphony), and the researcher system that facilitates access to information sources available in multiple university libraries, as well as through subscribing to the Saudi Digital Library.

Our ambition is to be among the best options for beneficiaries, and we will continue, God willing, to improve our services and provide modern sources of information.

We ask God for success and payment,,,,

Dean of Library Affairs

Dr.. Khaled Muadi Ahmed Asiri