Deanship of E-Learning

Deanship of E-Learning

The executive decision was issued by His Excellency the President of the University in the month of Dhu al-Qi'dah 1439 AH to amend the name of the Deanship of E-Learning to the Deanship of E-Learning and Information Technology. In the same month, a decision was issued to include the Information Technology Center of the Deanship of E-Learning and Information Technology, which was previously approved by the University Council by Resolution No. 391633990 and the date 7/18/1439 AH, and since this deanship is one of the most important supportive deanships at the university, as it provides services to all administrative and academic sectors of the university. Thus, it became necessary to restructure the deanship and define the tasks for each agency or department in the deanship. During the work on this formation, the current situation and available capabilities were taken into consideration, as well as prior work with the capabilities and experiences of all employees of the Deanship and the future expansion.

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عبدالرحمن عبدالعزيز حنش الزهراني

مصمم نظم
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عبدالله احمد عيظه الغامدي

فني دعم اول
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Ali Omar Menajee Alfageeh

System Analysis
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Rawaa Mohammed Dada

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Fahad Saleh AL-Daneesh

Programs Developer
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Majid Abdullah Hasan Bathnain

Tasaheel Administrator
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Raed Saleh Ahmad Alghamdi

Programs Developer
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محمد مجثل صالح الغامدي

مطور برامج
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علي محمد سفر الغامدي

مهندس حاسب الي
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احمد ابراهيم احمد الفقيه

محلل نظم اول
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احمد سعيد عيظه الغامدي

مهندس حاسب الي مساعد
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عبدالرزاق محمد احمد راسين

مصمم برامج
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مصلح ناصر محمد القرني

مساعد اداري
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فاروق محمد سعيد الزهراني

فني مختبر حاسب آلي
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عبدالاله سعيد محمد الغامدي

فني تشغيل الات
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سامي حامد محمد الغامدي

مطور برامج اول
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عبدالعزيز سريع عبدالعزيز خلوفه

فني مختبر
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سعد صالح ذاكر ال ذاكر

مطور برامج أول
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عبدالوهاب احمد عبدالله شمح

مصمم برامج
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وليد عبدالوهاب عبدالهادي عبدالقادر

فني دعم
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عبدالخالق سفر علي الغامدي

فني دعم
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عبدالرحمن محمد ال صبيح الغامدي

محلل نظم
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عبدالله محمد عطيه الزهراني

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محمد غرم الله عبدالله الغامدي

محلل نظم اول