Vision Realization Office

Vision Realization Office

The Vision Realization Office(VRO) was established on 3/2/1439 AH upon the decision of His Excellency, the President of University No. 39106215. The VRO is responsible for raising awareness of the Kingdom's Vision 2030, its programs, and its objectives through holding training courses, meetings, and workshops related to the Vision. It is also in charge of managing and organizing tasks that enhance the contribution of the University in realizing the Vision in complementarity with the work of the Vision realization system.

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Director Message

Director Message

It is my pleasure to welcome you to the web page of the Vision Realization Office, through which we seek to introduce the Office, its objectives, and the tasks we aspire to achieve. We ask God to help us realize the aspirations of our wise government led by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and His Highness the Crown Prince, as well as the aspirations of the University’s top management to enhance the University’s contribution in achieving the goals of the Kingdom’s Vision 2030.