Faculty of Education

Faculty of Education

The faculty of education at Albaha university has been incorporated to the university since its establishment. It used to be named as teachers’ college of education that were directly administered by the Ministry of Education since 1409. According to the decree number 3514/ MB dated on 3/5/1427 and the agreement of Saudi government number 10/5/1429 in 29/4/1429 the faculty of teachers’ Education directly become administered By Albaha University and named the faculty of education.

Menu College New


Bachelor of kindergarten


The preparation of a kindergarten teacher is an objective that will raise the children thinking skills and hence construct an important pillar for the future of Islamic society.


  • aration of qualified female teachers in the field of kindergarten.

  • Provide teachers with sufficient information about the environment of the kindergarten including the infrastructure, the learning tools, and study plans to achieve the educational development aspects of the child.

  • Enhancing the research skills of the teachers to support the exploration of talented children and the obstacles facing the development of teaching and learning in this field.

  • The continuous communications with the community institutions to develop partnerships that support the learning environment for children in the kindergarten


Program learning Outcomes



The student is introduced to contemporary concepts, theories and strategies in the field of child upbringing.


The student summarizes the curricula and education programs in the kindergarten stage in accordance with technological development and the principles of Islamic law.


The student discusses counseling and evaluation proposals to reduce developmental and behavioral problems for ordinary kindergarten children and those with special needs.


The student reviews modern methods of supporting the fields of education, growth , thinking and basic skills in kindergarten in light of Islamic education.



The student applies modern teaching strategies and methods with kindergarten children in accordance with their abilities.


The student discovers the children's abilities as soon as they respond with the activity based on the principles of measurement and evaluation.


The student employs various methods to manage the learning process and raise the child inside and outside the activity hall in light of the Qur’an and the Sunnah.


The student demonstrates the methods of counseling, teaching methods and thinking technological aids used with children and people with special needs in light of assignments and field education.



The student communicates with work groups and officials effectively and in an appropriate language to discuss assignments, class and community participations, and critical opinions of her work in an appropriate manner.


The student prepares an appropriate and safe educational classroom environment for ordinary children and those with special needs, using the technology tools in learning, research and data analysis.


The student responds to inquiries through the participation of classroom and community activities in light of ethics, Islamic law, and modern education and education systems.


The student designs presentations in an interactive way for individual and group research and training work in the context of assignments and field training.

Potential Jobs

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