Department of Strategic Planning

Department of Strategic Planning

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Supervisor Message

Supervisor Message

Albaha University has been working on updating and developing its strategic plan to establish its operations and improve its education, research, and community programs outcomes. This is an investment in the strategic changes that Saudi Arabia is undergoing under the vision of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and its strategic directions. In order to keep pace with the national movement witnessed by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and to develop its strategic plans to support the achievement of the objectives of national programs and the strategic planning of the importance in the educational and academic circles as one of the most essential tools and administrative methods for the management of academic work within educational institutions. During the establishment of an independent strategic planning department on 19/09/1439 AH as a critical step to activate the role of the university and make it an active partner in achieving national goals and to support the achievement of national plans of vision of the Kingdom 2030, and the national program of transition 2020, and the plan for future university education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia prospects for 2029.

In order to keep abreast of this national movement, Albaha University sought to update and develop the strategic plan of the university to be an active partner in achieving national goals and to support the achievement of national projects such as Vision 2030, National Transition Program (2020) and Future Plan for University Education (Horizons 2029).

The main objective of the Strategic Planning Department is to deliver strategic planning as a culture and a new way of thinking and working according to strategic visions and goals. It also creates a productive environment characterized by excellence in performance and productivity and contribute to shaping the future of the university and the participation of the country towards its future directions. Where strategic planning is the right channel through which the objectives of teaching, learning, scientific research, community service, and other fields related to the teaching environment are achieved. It also provides a practical and systematic basis and a measuring tool to follow up on the implementation of projects and academic programs. This department also seeks to spread the culture of strategic planning in the university as one of its real roles by providing a sophisticated model that includes support to all sectors in the university and help in applying best local and international practices to achieve the strategic plan and objectives of the university.