Header - Centers, Institutes and Associations

center of archives and records

Given the significant development witnessed by the Kingdom and its keeping pace with growth, and the abundance of documents and information at the university as a result of the expansion and significant development witnessed by the university, and in implementation of the noble Royal Decree No. (9) dated 01/02/1438, which stipulates the establishment of a center for documents and archives in every government agency, a center was established For documents and archives at Al Baha University to solve the considerable information accumulation of documents and archives and organize them in line with the Kingdom’s Vision 2030. To achieve this vision, the center’s tasks were defined in several points, the most important being collecting documents and archives, indexing, classifying, coding, and preserving them, preparing the university’s specialized documents, and achieving cooperation with relevant authorities in the field of documents and archives and facilitating obtaining documents for beneficiaries by regulations and instructions and keeping up with and following up on everything new in documents and archives. To achieve these tasks, a permanent committee for documents and archives was formed, headed by the university vice president, to be the first reference for documents affairs at the university, in addition to determining the type of documents from permanent and non-permanent and disposing of documents that are no longer needed by the regulations prepared for that.

Menu - Centers and institutes

قسم (وحدة) وحدة ادارة المستودعات والحفظ المادي

Department 4

ايميل: saomish@bu.edu.sa

هاتف :0177...........

تحويلة : 15902-15903