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Albaha University Journal of Human Sciences (BUJHS)

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  • Dr. Faisal Saeed Abdelkarim Al Karani
  • Reseived: Received in Revised Form: Accepted:

Gratitude is a technique involved with legislative evidences, and what follows of how to acquire benefit of it such as the studies of commissioning, inference, generality, concept, and prefernce. It is an effective description for several fundamental studies and researches. The matter that significant origins or fundamentals are decided with refrence to it. It might be framed by brief expressions that carry the characteristics of the original basis, in which fruitful jurisprudence (Faqhi) issues are based on, that is clear throughout the contexts of the research. Keywords: gratitude, impact of gratitude on legislative rules

  • Dr. Abdul Monem bin Hawas Mohammed Al Hawas
  • Reseived: Received in Revised Form: Accepted:

The research deals with part of the analytic and objective interpretation (Tafseer) in the Holy Quran. The subject of the research is “The Speech: its Legislative Rules and its Impact on Holy Quran”. The research aims to study the Ayats that mention the speech of tongue in an analytic and objective study, in terms of Allah’s knowledge and awareness of each word uttered by the tongue. This is the first subject. The second subject deals with the study of the Ayats that warned from uttering bad words and encouraging people to utter good words even with ignorant and the foolish people. The third subject deals with the Ayats that explained the impact of the speech on dealing with people at the level of individual and group. The fourth subject deals with the Ayats that gave the oppressed people the right to utter the bad words to those who dealed injustly with them. The fifth subject deals with the Ayats that explained the consequences of speech of tongue, whether of good or evil on the human being on earth or Hereafter. The research confirmed in its conclusion that the best thing that makes the human being happy in this world and the Hereafter is the good speech for the sake of Allah Almighty, and the most miserable thing for the human being and leads him/her to the fire is his/her speech and the words uttered by his/her tongue. Keywords: speech, talk, tongue, utterance, declaration, secret.

  • Dr. Aboud bin Ali bin Deraa
  • Reseived: Received in Revised Form: Accepted:

Jihad for the sake of Allah represents the highest position of Islam, and its rank is in the highest positions of faith, with which the word is transcended, and the nation is dignified, and the essence of Islam is protected, the sanctities of Muslims are secured, the estates are protected, the enemies are defeated and the aggressors are humiliated. With jihad, the righteousness is admitted, the aggression and injustice are refuted, and the evil, conspiracy and aggression are confronted. Jihad for the sake of Allah is the rescuing trade, the profitable deal, and the promising commodity. Faithful people of jihad have the highest positions, and the highest appreciation, and the highest degrees, they are in the highest position on the earth and the Hereafter. In this research, I have reached that permission is to allow the person to act in what he was forbidden legitimately for the right of another person. Jihad is fighting Muslim against infidel with no covenant after calling him and his parents to Islam for the sake of Allah and glorifies His word. It is not permissible to go out for conquest jihad, only with Imam's permission because he recognizes well the conditions of the people and the state of the enemy and his positions. Moreover, it is permissible to get out for defensive Jihad; it does not require the permission of Imam if it is not possible or the enemy is found suddenly. Authorization for jihad should not be underestimated if the person has no enough knowledge about. However, if imam gives authority of it or not for considerably legitimate interest, it is obligatory to obey him. If the person may not get his approval or he fears he may get his disapproval for no considerably legitimate interest, the matter should be returned back to the well-informed and pious Ulama, particularly in such recent ages. Woman is not allowed to get out for the conquest jihad, but she may get out for defensive jihad, even if she gets no permission from Imam or her husband, if necessary. The state has mastery on its air space and it has the right to reject the entering of planes without permission to their space whether through chasing, or enforcing them to oblige by the landing rules, otherwise, destroying such planes to maintain security and avoid damages. The son has no right to get out for jihad without the approval of his parents and the guardian. If jihad is obligatory and a must, it does not need permission and furthermore, the son does not need the approval of the parents to get out for jihad if they are disbelievers. It does not require the approval of the creditor to get Mujahid out for jihad whether the debt is required immediately or not, whether he is capable of paying the debt or not if jihad is obligatory to him. However, if jihad is not obligatory to him, whether the debt is required on immediate or deferred, permission is obligatory because his getting out for jihad jeopardizes his life and the right gets lost with the loss of his life. Keywords: Authorization, jihad.

  • Dr. Mohammed bin Obaid Allah bin Nasser Al - Thubaiti
  • Reseived: Received in Revised Form: Accepted:

The study addresses the impact of students' clubs in Britain on spreading and enrooting the Islamic culture/education among the scholarship students, and this research is based on three sections preceded by an introduction and preface, followed by a conclusion. The first section is about the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques Program: King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, and Allah guides him for such Scholarships. Then this section is followed by two areas of research, including the students' clubs in Britain, and the second one is the field side of the study which is an attempt by the researcher to demonstrate the impact of students' clubs in Britain on spreading Islamic education among students of scholarships from students' perspective. The study found a number of results, the prominent one is the students' clubs have solid basics derived from Saudi educational policy which is closely connected with correct Islam approach, as it has a host of goals and values are targeted by the decision makers to be enrooted in the hearts of scholarship students. One of such significant values is enrooting and spreading the Islamic culture/education. The results showed that the overall average for all phrases (1.82) and a standard deviation (1.939), namely, the impact of students' clubs in Britain on spreading and enrooting the Islamic culture/education among students of scholarships from the perspective of students was moderate.We cannot say that those in charge of students' clubs have the capability to consolidate and spread Islamic culture in more specialized way to the student because their work is voluntary not specialized. In addition, there are other roles should be considered and lied within their responsibilities. Keywords: Students activities, Spreading, Islamic education, scholarshiop students, program of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques for scholarships

  • Dr. Mohammed bin Abdullah bin Hussein Al-Shaddawi Al-Ghamdi
  • Reseived: Received in Revised Form: Accepted:

This study intends to trace and record deviations that occurred in Arabic Poetry due to the effect of Arab contacts with other nations during the expansion of Islam. This study investigates both semantic and phonemic deviations using both theoretical and practical methods. The study looked at one of the most important poetry of this kind which is the AlArdhah Aljanubiyah (southern dancing poetry). This study assumes that this poetry is truly based on the various metres of prosody that were established by Alkhalil ibn Ahmed Alfarahidi. This kind of poetry has used much of the colloquial vocabulary so as to match with the renewal tendency and to meet the signing metres that require mixing various prosody metres to achieve the melody (tarq) at the expense of colloquial words and inflections and does not follow exactly Arabic rhythm as a means to have effect on peoples' minds and feelings despite the diversity of their languages, cultures and art. This type of poetry uses the rhetorical devices to achieve its goals. It is concluded that the southern Ardhah Poetry made use of rhetorical Arabic Poetry devices on one hand and the modern Arabic metre on the other hand to suite Ardhah lyrics without totally ignoring Arabic metre and rhythm. Keywords: Arabic Poetry, Khalili performances, southern dancing poetry, semantic and acoustic deviations

  • Dr. Suheir Bint Issa Mari Al Qahtani
  • Reseived: Received in Revised Form: Accepted:

This research explores the rhetorical techniques used for prospecting the future included in the vision of 2030 to increase the psychological motivation of the recipients to participate and work on its success. It analyzes the various rhetorical styles employed in the speech of the Vision like: speaking in the collective voice, using inversion for emphasis, receiving style to motivate the recipient, appropriating Al Hajjaj’s way of persuasion, going into details rather than giving general ideas, and exemplifying. The researcher contends that these techniques are of great significance in enhancing citizens’ sense of involvement and commitment to take serious part in the achievement of the Vision, aiming in this study at the best speech to present the big projects to motivate the individual to participate effectively through analyzing the techniques of the vision following the data analysis approach. Then the study concluded with the most important findings and recommendations. Keywords: techniques of prospecting future, Vision Speech of 2030, rhetorical Systems, sychological Motivation.

  • Dr. Fahd bin Saeed Al Muthayeb Al Qahtani
  • Reseived: Received in Revised Form: Accepted:

This research is a field study that is based on observing the names of agricultural tools in the Sarat dialect of the Asir region by collecting/recording those names verbally from a group of elderly people and studying them semantically. This study reveals the meanings of those names in the spoken dialect of the Sarat tribes of the Asir region and the extent to which they are related to lexical semantics or other languages which have influenced the region, such as Sabaean language. Keywords: names, farming tools, spoken language, dialect, lexical meaning, Sabaea.

  • Dr. Mansour bin Mu'adh Al-Amri
  • Reseived: Received in Revised Form: Accepted:

This research attempts to reveal King Khalid bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud's efforts in supporting and developing education in the city of Makkah during his reign from 1975 to 1982. The study also discusses the establishment of the Directorate of Education in Makkah which eventually turned into a Ministry of Education which established its headquarter office in Makkah, The research also sheds light on King Khalid's passion for knowledge and education which motivated him to spare no effort in developing education. Such efforts resulted in establishing many elementary, intermediate and secondary male schools capable of hosting more students and teachers as well as administrative workers. Such efforts are shown and discussed using statistics, percentages and some illustrations and their analysis as well. The research concludes with findings, indices and a list of bibliography. Keywords: development of Educational Movement, Holy Makkah, King Khalid, learning administration.

  • Dr. Ahmed Ibrahim Saed Alghamdi
  • Reseived: Received in Revised Form: Accepted:

Educational institutions suffer from a real crisis that may lead to real disaster if they continue to waste the energies of their creative and talented students, through concentrating on using traditional teaching methodologies relaying on students direct indoctrination and showing no initiative to remove obstacles that prevent the investment of these energies. And so during this study the researcher investigated the obstacles impede the development of creativity for students of the Department of Art Education at Faculty of Education, Albaha University from students’ point of view, A Quadruple rating scale based on LIKERT scale was designed in a poll questionnaire for the opinions of the male and female students of the Department of Art Education at the Faculty of Education, Albaha University, concerning the obstacles of developing creativity. Where the questionnaire includes four main dimensions, the first related to faculty members, the second to the educational environment, the third to the curriculum, and finally the fourth dimension related to students themselves, After verifying the scientific transactions of the questionnaire by counting the honesty utilizing the sincerity of the arbitrators, the validity of the internal construction of the questionnaire and the stability using the mid-term retail coefficient of SPIERMAN BROWN and ALPHA CRONBACH. The questionnaire was applied to an intentionally selected sample of students from the Department of Art Education at the Faculty of Education, Albaha University. After collecting and manipulating the data statistically, the obstacles of creativity facing the sample of the study were conducted and presented in descending order involving (students, faculty member, educational environment and curriculum). The study results indicated that male and female students of the sample under consideration have significantly agreed on the same reality of creativity obstacles impeding them. And so the researcher recommends the encouragement of creativity and urging its practice through secure educational programs specifically prepared for this purpose at all teaching levels. Keywords: Creativity Development Obstacles, Art Education

  • Dr. Ahmad Mohammad Okleh alzboon Dr. Ameen Mohammad Ameen Nimer
  • Reseived: Received in Revised Form: Accepted:

The study aimed to reveal the degree of contribution of the Faculty of Ajloun University in the development of good citizenship values from the students' point of view, The study attempted to answer the following questions, What is the degree of contribution of the Faculty of Ajloun in the development of the values of good citizenship from the students' point of view?, and Are there any differences that have statistical clue for the degree of contribution of the Faculty of Ajloun University in the development of the values of good citizenship that is ascribed to sex and academic level?, The researchers developed the way of study which is in the form of a questionnaire to measure the degree of contribution of the Faculty of Ajloun in the development of the values of good citizenship. The sample of the study consisted of 334 students, The findings of the study indicated that the degree of contribution of Ajloun University College to the development of good citizenship and its components was high. The study showed also differences of statistical clue in the degree of contribution of the Faculty of Ajloun University in the development of good citizenship values which are ascribed to the variables of sex and male students specifically. Keywords: The Degree of contribution, values, good citizenship.

  • Dr. Ibrahim bin Abdalkreem bin Abdulrahman bin Al Aiban
  • Reseived: Received in Revised Form: Accepted:

The present study aimed to identify the reality of the family support to the elementary schools, the most important mechanisms needed to develop it, and the prominent obstacles facing it, in addition to identify the impact of the nature of work variable. To achieve this aim, the researcher conducted this study on a sample contained 82% of the study population who were the leaders and students’ guides of the elementary schools in Alqwuayiyah Governorate, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, The researcher used the descriptive survey methodology in the present study. The researcher used the questionnaire as a study tool after its validity and reliability were confirmed. The findings of the present study showed that: the degree of family support to the elementary schools in general was average; the most areas of family support to the elementary schools were in two areas: the support in solving the children problems and enhancing the school’s confidence in its employees. The less areas of family support were the support to professional development of the schools’ employees. The findings showed also that the prominent obstacles are: considering the school as the only and direct responsible for the learning process and teaching the children, and the weakness of motivations and encouragement to the families which support the school. The most important mechanisms needed to develop the reality of the family support to the elementary schools are: enacting systems and instructions to contribute in developing families' awareness of the school support, and finding a clear mechanism to the family showing how to submit support to school. The findings showed also that, there were no statistically significant differences in the responses of the study sample – schools’ leaders and guides – to the study axes (the degree of family support to the elementary schools, the obstacles facing it, the mechanisms needed to develop it) attributed to the diversity in the study sample nature of work variable (school leader, students’ guide). Keywords: Reality, Family Support, Elementary Schools, Mechanisms, Obstacles.