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Albaha University Journal of Human Sciences (BUJHS)

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  • Makeen Bin Hufan Bin Makeen Al Karni
  • Reseived: Received in Revised Form: Accepted:

This research paper deals with the names of Honey in the Arabic Language. Specifically, it aims at studying the names of honey in Arabic using the Semantic Field Theory. The study started by discussing the various views of Arabic language scholars on naming a single object with multiple names in Arabic including those who allow it and those who reject it. This included reviewing the agreement of Arabic scholars on the general meaning of synonyms and their disagreement on its specific meaning. It has been found that both the scholars who consider the names as synonyms look at the name as a single entity; whereas those who do not consider them as synonyms look at specific meanings in every name. The study then distributed the names of honey into four areas: 1) names that refer to honey making, its maker, and what is made of; 2) names that refer to honey and its shape; 3) names that refer to describing honey structure and its forms; and 4) names that refer to the impact of honey and its place of making. Each semantic field is categorized, supported with evidence from the Arabic dictionaries and the reasons of metaphorical and non- metaphorical naming are then clarified. The main findings of the study include: the names of honey are not accurately synonyms, and that the names which seemed different due to either sound change such as "alballah" and "albillah", or change of the letter position such as "ash-shawr" and "ash-sharw" are only considered as single names. These names varied due to a number of reasons including: the importance of honey, the difference in the causes and reasons of naming, the development of the reference of the name by transferring it from one field to another similar one using methods such as simile and long metaphor (almajazulmursal) Keywords: Honey Name, Arabic Language, Semantic Fields Theory.

  • Shehta Abdelmawla Abdelhafez Mohamed
  • Reseived: Received in Revised Form: Accepted:

The study aimed to the most important assessment preferences at university students, and to identify the nature of the relationship between assessment preferences and motivational tendencies for learning, and reveal of the differences in assessment preferences in terms of the motivational tendencies for learning, educational level; and reveal of predicting of motivational tendencies for learning from assessment preferences; included the study sample of 140 students of the final sample, all from the College of Education, King Saud University students from all Specialties and levels of educational variety, the average age 21.74 years, and a standard deviation of 2.81 years, have been applied to them inventory assessment preferences prepared by the researcher and the questionnaire of motivational tendencies for learning from preparing Pintrich; after standardized on pilot sample, and using weighted averages, correlation coefficients, analysis of covariance MANCOVA; and multiple regression analysis; the researcher suggested set of results as follows, Order the students came preferences according to assessment preferences list that students prefer pattern on objective tests, followed by other assessment patterns, and then tests unconventional, then oral, and essay tests in last order, I found a statistically significant relationship between the majority assessment preferences dimensions and measurements of motivational tendencies for learning and academic performance, There are no statistically significant differences between scores of students with high and low academic for all assessment preferences dimensions except essay tests dimension; There was statistically significant difference at the 0.05 level in favor of high students in academic achievement, There are no differences between the averages of students with higher educational levels and lower educational levels in the assessment preferences, and there is no effect of the interaction between the academic performance levels and educational levels on the assessment preferences, I can predict of motivational tendencies for learning from the dimension of assessment preferences which related of other types of assessment only while other assessment preferences was not easy to predict. Keywords: Assessment preferences, Motivational tendencies for learning, self-efficacy in learning and performance, academic performance.

  • Ibrahim Bin Abdullah Bin Abdelrahman Alzuaiber
  • Reseived: Received in Revised Form: Accepted:

The study aimed to identify the degree of job satisfaction of the rising universities staff. It also investigates the relationship between the job satisfaction and job stability of the rising universities staff. The differences in the job satisfaction degree of the sample individuals are due to the following variables of the rising universities staff: (scientific degree- sex- nationality- years of experience- previous job- academic major- scientific achievements). The researcher used the descriptive and analytical approach based on a sample of (240) members. The job satisfaction and job stability measurements were used as a study tool. The study indicated the degree of job satisfaction as a whole for the rising universities staff which came in medium degree with the correlative average at (2.82). The study showed there was a positive correlation between the job satisfaction and job stability of the rising universities staff in correlation factor (0.906) at a correlative level (0.001). Further, there are no statistic differences among the sample individuals regarding the job satisfaction due to the scientific degree, scientific achievements and at indicating level (0.001). There are statistic differences among the sample individuals regarding the job satisfaction due to sex variable at indicating level (0.001) for the benefit of the males. There are no statistic differences among the sample individuals regarding the job satisfaction due to sex variable and satisfaction of materialistic incentives and rewards. There are statistic differences among the study sample regarding the job satisfaction factors due to the nationality at an indicating level (0.001) for the benefit of Saudi staff. There are statistic differences due to the job time variable in the university regarding the job satisfaction at an indicating level (0,001). There are statistic differences due to the major variable in the theoretical colleges at an indicating level (0.001), The study showed the rising university members who thinks to move to another university reached (42.6%). The study recommends reconsidering the reward rules and the materialistic and morale incentives for the rising universities staff, particularly that one involved with the staff's benefits for its positive influence on boosting the job stability and reconsidering the mechanism of staff attraction used in such universities through applying standardized norms to attract the distinguished staff locally or globally. The universities require to coordinate with the Ministry of Education in K.S.A and to give more attention to the job satisfaction of Saudi universities staff, the rising ones in particular. Key Words: job satisfaction, job stability, rising universities, staff

  • Reseived: Received in Revised Form: Accepted:

The objective of the current research is to identify the most important needs of job seekers in a sample of holders of bachelor's degree in the area of ​​Tabuk, and the extent of these needs vary according to some variables. In order to achieve the objective of the research, the tool was designed. It consisted of (29) words that fall under four fields: (psychological needs, economic needs, social needs, professional needs), and applied to a sample of (363) different specialties in the Tabuk region. The results showed that the field of professional needs came in the forefront of areas that reflected the needs of job seekers, followed by the psychological field and then the economic area and finally the social one. The results showed statistically significant differences between the averages of job seekers' needs due to the period of unemployment in favor of job seekers who spent four years and over without work. In the light of the results, a number of recommendations were made that would better understand the needs of job seekers. Key words: needs, University graduates, Job seekers , Tabuk Region

  • Ahmed Bin Yahya Bin Ali Al Jubaili
  • Reseived: Received in Revised Form: Accepted:

This study aimed at investigating the effectiveness of a meta-cognitive strategy-based training program on developing classroom reasoning and thinking in high school in Riyadh. Using the Lawson's Classroom Test of Scientific Reasoning (LCTSR) (Lawson), standardized by Al-Zaghal (2006) with a sample comprised of 80 students randomly selected and equally assigned to an experimental and a control group for pretesting to ensure comparability of the research groups, a t-test for independent groups was used to compare pretest mean scores and post test means cores. Results indicated that on pretesting, both groups were equal, and on post testing, improvement was detected to the good of post testing for the experimental group only. No improvement on post testing mean scores was detected for the control group. Further, Blake’s modified Gain Ratio was calculated for the experimental statistics, which bore a ratio of 1.29 within the range of 1-2 identified by Blake as a strong indicator of the effectiveness of the meta-cognitive strategy-based program for improving scientific thinking skills in a high school freshman's physics course for the second semester. In addition, the (d) value and eta squared value (\eta^2) were calculated to be 8.29 and 0.94 respectively, which indicated a large size effect of the use of the meta-cognitive strategy-based program for teaching reasoning thinking within a physics course. Eventually, the study ended with a discussion of the findings and recommendations for further research. Keywords: Effectiveness, Meta- Cognitive Strategies, Reasoning and Scientific Thinking, Skilles

  • Adel bin Mashaal Aziz Al Hadi Al Ghamdi
  • Reseived: Received in Revised Form: Accepted:

Evaluation in the area of education considers one of the most significant elements which provides feedback for the targeted of evaluation process. Teacher is one of the most important elements in the learning process and evaluating his performance continuously provides him with feedback that drives him for performance development and improvement lastingly. The student teacher who practices a training period in educational institutions is in an urgent need for this evaluation which is pivotal for well preparation for education profession in future; particularly he is in the beginning of the road towards education. From here, the idea of the research springs up. And it aims to evaluate the student teacher in the Faculty of Education, Albaha University in the light of competencies of Holy Quran teaching. The researcher found an urgent need to evaluate the performance of student teachers majored in Quranic and Islamic Studies who have been monitored in the field training and they are students from General Diploma Program in Education, Faculty of Education, Albaha University. They reached overall number (16) trainees. The researcher noticed a big deterioration in the performance of the competencies of Holy Quran teaching throughout their field training in schools. As a result, the real performance has been evaluated in the light of competencies of Holy Quran teaching. A noticed card is applied upon them to include (30) competency which is divided into two dimensions: one of them after recitation which included (14) competency, the second one is after memorization and included (16) competency. The most important result is the deterioration of the performance level in most competencies of the Holy Quran teaching after recitation and memorization in student teacher (trainees) that leads to recommend including the competencies of Holy Quran teaching in a program of preparing the Quranic and Islamic Studies student teachers to gain experience before their practice in educational field. Further, the study confirmed the importance of repeating the field visits of trainees from their monitors throughout the training period regularly that helps in finding the real performance of student teacher through his teaching for the Holy Quran and provides him with feedback about his performance that contribute in his development towards better. Key words: performance evaluation- student teacher, faculty of education-Albaha University-competencies of Holy Quran teaching

  • Mohammad Ali Mohammad Al-Amri
  • Reseived: Received in Revised Form: Accepted:

This research investigates "the disentanglement of the original connotation of kāna (to be) and its sisters" according to Arabic Syntactic Tradition. Thorough investigation of the scientific data within this research has shown that Arab syntacticians have two broad attitudes: the first is that kāna and its sisters connote time but not action; and, the second is that they connote time and action, and this is the opinion of a group of the greatest syntacticians who came after the fourth century. The research displays both Arab syntacticians' attitudes, and categorizes the statements of both attitudes in applying the comprehensive connotation to each particular verb within this category. It further goes to debate both attitudes and attempts to embrace all ongoing debate between the two parties of syntacticians in this concern, including evidences and objections. The research debates all this according to well-established rules of argumentation in order to critique all evidences, and invite and clarify any potential complications related to both parties' disentanglement of kāna and its sisters. Also, it is to utilize all that in introducing a vision to all researchers in order to treat these complications. The research has come up with a number of results, the most prominent of which are: The issue of the original connotation of kāna and its sisters is controversial, and there is a wide controversy among syntacticians in this regard, Both parties (of Arab syntacticians) disputing about kāna and its sisters were unable to disentangle all the connotations for all the verbs in a way which complies with their comprehensive attitude regarding this issue without falling into verbal, semantic and fundamental complications, The ambiguity found in the disentanglement of the original connotation of kāna (to be) and its sisters done by the majority of syntacticians is, in fact, the reason behind the formation of a different opinion according to those disagreeing with them, The predominant opinion in this issue is the opinion of the majority of syntacticians, The key to understanding the opinion of the majority of syntacticians lies in explaining what they mean by "Action" when they say that kāna (to be) and its sisters have discarded their connotation of "Action", as well as in explaining what they mean when they say that kāna (to be) and its sisters have been restricted to connote "Time" only, "Action", according to the majority of syntacticians, means (assigning the linguistic meaning of the verb to its cause). Accordingly, what they mean by saying that kāna (to be) and its sisters have discarded their connotation of the ''Action" is that the "Action" has taken away from kāna (to be) and its sisters their ability to assign their linguistic meanings to their causes, What the majority of syntacticians mean by saying that kāna (to be) and its sisters have been restricted to indicate "Time" is that they all share the quality of adding one connotative sign when added to the abstract nominal statement; that is, (bonding them with a syntactic time) which is formed according to five possibilities, and This understanding of the opinion of the majority of syntacticians eliminates all complications caused by the weakness of disentanglement and leniency the majority of syntacticians. Also, it eliminates the arguments put forward by syntacticians from the opposite side, as well as the causes of argumentation in order to refute the first opinion. This is in addition to the elimination of problems that come as a consequence to that, and thus eliminating the dispute in this whole matter. Keywords: kāna, kāna and its sisters, connotation, the annullers, the annulled verbs, the incomplete verbs.

  • Hani Bin Ahmad Faqih
  • Reseived: Received in Revised Form: Accepted:

The researcher has gathered the benefits and selected the rules from the Book of Recognition of the Benefits of Omdat Al Ahkam (Basic Rules) of the Imam, the memorizer, the classifier and the Nobel Faqih, Siraj Aldin Omer Bin Al Mulaken, May Allah bless him (723-804 H) in which he explained the book of the memorizer, Abdelghani Bin Abdelwahid Al Jumalli's Omdat Al Ahkam, the issues agreed upon by Al Shaikhan, May Allah bless him (541-600 H). During my reading of the book, I go through many legitimate benefits that are resemble the entire rules mentioned by the author from time to another in his addressing or discussing a saying or an issue. I was writing down such issues and rules on the cover of each volume in fear of losing them and to find an easy access if I need them later. Most of such issues mentioned by the author were different from what he thought about and eventually I have gathered an acceptable number of such issues after reading the whole book. Then, I prefer to focus on such rules in an independent research to help the others get benefits of them. At the same time, they are a sort of service for the book and a repay of the author's gratitude, May Allah bless him, for his efforts in Prophet's biography by publishing and spreading among the people. Key words: Selected and Legitimate Rules, Bin Al Mulaken's Explanation, Omdat Al Ahkam.