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Albaha University Journal of Human Sciences (BUJHS)

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  • Dr. Ahmed Ibrahim Ahmed Al-Saed Al-Ghamdi
  • Reseived: 2021 Received in Revised Form: 2021 Accepted: 2021

Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences has its importance and implications in the field of art education, as each student has different strengths and weaknesses according to the types of multiple intelligences, he possesses that help him learn art. Gardner recommends that teachers present content in ways that benefit from the largest possible number of patterns. The various intelligences of students to help them understand and learn the arts, and faculty members must use methods and methods in teaching that take into account individual differences, and the different learning styles of students, in order to achieve the educational dimensions emphasized by the theory of multiple intelligences, and accordingly the study aims to determine the degree of practice of members of the staff Teaching Art Education at the College of Education, Al-Baha University, for activities based on multiple intelligences, and identifying patterns of students' multiple intelligences and their relationship to the practice of faculty members. For activities based on multiple intelligences from the students' point of view at Al Baha University, and McKinsey’s list to learn about Prof. Patterns of multiple intelligences among the research sample of art education students at Al-Baha University, and after applying research tools and processing data statistically, the results were that the degree of practices of art education faculty members for activities based on multiple intelligences came between (high, medium, and weak). Teaching art education for activities based on multiple intelligences according to relative importance (linguistic intelligence, body-kinesthetic intelligence, social intelligence, logical intelligence, natural intelligence, spatial visual intelligence, musical intelligence, personal intelligence). The patterns of multiple intelligences among art education students at Al-Baha University coincide according to the McKinsey list, which was between (exactly, a lot, sometimes, a little), and the arrangement of patterns of multiple intelligences among art education students at Al-Baha University according to the McKinsey list and their relative weight (natural intelligence, visual intelligence) Spatial intelligence, body-kinesthetic intelligence, personal intelligence, social intelligence, logical intelligence, linguistic intelligence, and musical intelligence), there were no statistically significant differences between students of art education at Al-Baha University in most types of multiple intelligences. Keywords: Multiple Intelligences; Art Education; Faculty Member Practices; Students; Al Baha University.

  • Dr. Manal Abdel Rahman Safar
  • Reseived: 2021 Received in Revised Form: 2021 Accepted: 2021

The study was aimed at identifying the level of practice of strategic vigilance at umm al-Qura University in the light of pestel analysis and its relationship to the effectiveness of the training of its academic leaders, and the study was applied to a Random sample of (72) academic leadership at um al-Qura University with experience in the administrative field, and the study adopted the descriptive approach, and the necessary data was collected by a two-axis questionnaire, dealing with the first axis (43) paragraphs divided into six dimensions to measure the level of strategic vigilance practice, and the second axis (25) divided into three stages. To measure the effectiveness of academic leadership training, the study's findings indicated that strategic vigilance at Um al-Qura University in light of pestel analysis is practiced at a "high" level, and that the effectiveness of the training of its leaders is "high", and the results of the study found a positive correlation between the level of strategic vigilance exercise and the degree of effectiveness of academic leadership training. Keywords: PESTEL analysis, strategic vigilance, academic leaders, universities.

  • Dr. Ahmed bin Mohamed Hussein Al Zaidani
  • Reseived: 2021 Received in Revised Form: 2021 Accepted: 2021

The present study aimed to identify the relative contribution of both psychological well-being and mindfulness in predicting the quality of school work life and to recognize the differences in psychological well-being, mental alertness and quality of school work due to the effect of gender, experience, educational stage and interaction between them, A survey-based quantitative study conducted in (424) teacher Their average age (M= 36.17; SD =6.54) who were sampled from three educational levels (elementary- Middle- secondary) in Asir region, The researcher used three tools: the Psychological Well-Being Scale from Tennant and others (2007), the Mindfulness Scale developed by Feldman and others (2007), and the Work-Related Quality of Life Scale (WRQoL) from Easton and Van Laar (2012), all of which the researcher translated into Arabic, The results of the study indicated that there is a positive significant correlation at a level of significance (0.01) between each of the quality of school work life in all its dimensions and the overall degree and between psychological well-being and the correlation coefficients ranged between (r = 0.25 - 0.41), except after work stress there was a negative correlation of (r = -0.28) were significant at (P= 0.01). The results also indicated that there is a positive positive correlation between Mindfulness in all its dimensions and the overall degree and between psychological well-being. The correlation coefficients ranged between (r = 0.19 - 0.40), all of which are significant at (P= 0.01). The results also indicated that there is a positive positive correlation between mental alertness in all its dimensions and the overall degree and between the quality of life at work. The correlation coefficients ranged between (r= 0.11 - 0.19). The results of the simple regression analysis also showed that all the independent variables are predictive of the quality of school work life, except for the awareness dimension of the mindfulness scale, which was not significant, which means its inability to predict the quality of school work life. Whereas the results of the progressive regression analysis showed that psychological well-being is the most variable associated with the quality of school work life, where the value of the multiple correlation was 0.41, and the psychological well-being absorbed a variation of 0.17, with a percentage of 17% of the variance of the total score of the WRQoL scale. Keywords: Psychological well-being. Mindfulness, Quality of School Work Life, Teachers.

  • Dr. Mutlaq bin Moqaad Alrooqi
  • Reseived: 2021 Received in Revised Form: 2021 Accepted: 2021

This study aims to identify the reality of Shaqra University's strategic plan application and the degree to which it achieves the goals of the National Transformation Program 2020. To achieve these objectives, the researcher used a descriptive-analytical approach. He also used the questionnaire as a tool for his study. The study community consisted of deans, vice-rectors, and department heads, with a number of (158). The researcher used the census methodology. He applied the study tools to the study community. The responded questionnaires were 135, The study concluded a group of results, notable among these are: The reality of Shaqra University's strategic plan (2017-2020) application was having a middle degree. The strategic objective, achieving high levels of academic, administrative and financial quality, came first regarding the application. The second one was the development of the human resources objective. The objective, of developing college structures and academic programs and its association with the labor market, came last. Results revealed that the degree to which Shaqra University's strategic plan achieves the goals of the National Transformation Program 2020 had a middle degree. The study recommended that the educational plans and programs should be reviewed in conformity with the requirements of the labor market. It also recommended to develop the technological environment and to improve the means of communication in the university. It also recommended to engage faculty members in the plan construction and to raise the awareness of academic leadership about the culture of strategic planning. Keywords: Strategic Plane, Shaqra University, National Transformation Program

  • Dr. Imad bin Jamaan Abdullah Al-Zahrani
  • Reseived: 2021 Received in Revised Form: 2021 Accepted: 2021

The study aimed at revealing the effect of different emergency distance education patterns via Blackboard System on achieving learning outcomes of e-learning applications course for a sample of students at the Faculty of Education. To achieve this objective, the experimental method was used with a design based on two experimental groups. The sample was selected intentionally including (21) students in the first experimental group, and (22) students in the second experimental group. The first group learned using synchronous emergency distance education pattern, while the second group learned using Synchronous and asynchronous remote emergency education. The tools were a cognitive test to measure the learning outcomes at the cognitive level and an evaluation scale to measure them at the performance level. Such tools were applied after verifying their validity and reliability. The results showed that there was no statistically significant difference at the significance level (0.05) between the mean scores of the two groups in the learning outcomes at the cognitive level, while there was a statistically significant difference at the significance level (0.05) between mean scores of the two groups in the learning outcomes at the performance level and the levels as a whole in favor of the second experimental group, and based on the results of the study, the study presented a set of recommendations, the most important of which were: Not only employing the simultaneous emergency remote education pattern, and take advantage of the tools available across the various e-learning systems and platforms to employ the emergency remote education pattern that integrates the two synchronous and asynchronous patterns. Keywords: Emergency Distance Education Pattern; Blackboard System; Learning outcomes, Synchronous learning; Asynchronous learning.

  • Dr. Adel bin Mishaal Aziz Al-Ghamdi Nawal bint Awad Al-Hilali
  • Reseived: 2021 Received in Revised Form: 2021 Accepted: 2021

The objective of the research was to identify the hoped-for role of public education schools to promote Islamic values and national identity among students in light of the vision of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia 2030, and to achieve this, the researchers used the descriptive curriculum, where a survey tool was applied to the research sample, which included (103) educational supervisor and educational supervisor, and (134): The hoped-for role of teachers to promote Islamic values and national identity among students included (15) words, the hoped-for role of curricula to promote Islamic values and national identity among students included (15) words, and the hoped-for role of non-classroom school activities to promote Islamic values and national identity among students included (15) words. The results showed that the total degree of the role of general education schools to promote Islamic values and national identity among students in light of the vision of Saudi Arabia 2030 was greatly estimated by an arithmetic average of (4.02), where the role of teachers in promoting Islamic values and national identity among students was greatly estimated by an arithmetic average of (4.15), while the role with an arithmetic average of (3.84). The results also showed that there were no statistically significant differences between the responses of the research sample to the hoped – for role of general education schools to promote Islamic values and national identity among students in the light of Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030 due to variables (type, years of service, academic qualification), while statistically significant differences exist depending on the variable (profession). Keywords: General Education Schools, Islamic Values, National Identity, Saudi Arabia Vision 2030.

  • Dr Moawad Mohamed Ali Al-Khouli
  • Reseived: 2021 Received in Revised Form: 2021 Accepted: 2021

The companions - may God be pleased with them - has managed to attain the degree that comes second to that of prophets and that is better than a That of other human beings This is because they best understood, The jurisprudence of God and His Messenger, so their rhetoric , may God be pleased with them, came more closely similar to that of the Messenger of God, may God bless, With this state of their rhetoric, we were busier concentrating on their jurisprudence and jihad in supporting the religion of God and guarding its gaps more than our concentration on their rhetoric, The importance of this study came from several sides; First of which is: reviving and activating this kind of the rhetorical lesson, Second: Being grateful and faithful to some of whom has the right - may God be pleased with them - over the nation as the statement and clarification of the prophet's Companions that must be common in the Ummah, then leaders and common people must be brought up upon it if they want strength and empowerment to their Ummah upon other nations, Thirdly, its importance: The fact that this study was a continuous research for secrets in the pages that were closed with the death of their owners or authors without hope to anyone in a meeting, hearing or just asking a question, This thing that necessitates honest transmitting to their words with full and complete understanding lest lying to them unintentionally by giving their words unbearable or unworthy meaning which is not appropriate for high standing, The study consists of an introduction, six chapters that organize sixteen analyzes, a conclusion and a list of sources and references, and I supplicate to God to accept this humble effort and make it purely done for His sake and by which He may elevate us to the best position with our Prophet Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - and his companions. Keywords: Speech, Abu Ubaidah Ibn al-Jarrah, Rhetorical Study.

  • Dr Walid bin Abdullah bin Misfer Al-Dosari
  • Reseived: 2021 Received in Revised Form: 2021 Accepted: 2021

This research will study the argumentative techniques in Omar bin Abdulaziz discourse, as a textual pragmatic study, and it consists of three main points: linguistic techniques, rhetorical techniques, and semi-logical techniques. Firstly, the linguistic techniques will include technique of reasoning, technique of composition sentences, and technique of interchangeable argumentation. Secondly, the rhetorical techniques will include technique of metaphor, technique of the embellishments, and technique of dividing whole into parts. Finally, the semi-logical techniques will include argumentation hierarchy, argumentative connectors, and argumentative factors. Keywords: The Argumentation, Omar Bin Abdulaziz, Umayyad Prose, Pragmatic.

  • Dr. Hamdan Mohsen Al Harthy
  • Reseived: 2021 Received in Revised Form: 2021 Accepted: 2021

The research of the mask as a structural technical description (approach in Saudi poetry) follows this technique through a group of Saudi poets, subjecting them to interpretation, study and analysis through a range of perceptions and visions. After the research questions, the researcher discusses the literature review, the most modern Arabic studies and mask definition, self, the self-poet, the polyphony and the intertextuality with other poets through practical processing, The researcher attempts to raise questions about the definition of the mask as a technique that penetrates the texts and methods/styles and being as the artistic way the poet use to solve the challenges, he faces without expressing his visions and ideas. The research attempts to reveal the concept of the mask and its essence and role in constructing the meaning and the related concepts of intertextuality and self, and edit the text accurately, and then access to the experiments of the selected models of the Saudi poets (Ghazi Algosaibi in the text of (Suhaim), Muhammad al-Thubaiti in the text (Alsalouk), Abdullah Thabet in the text (Lorca), Hammad al-Faqih in text (in the manner of Lorca) And the Dumini in the text) Jahel bird Moalaga, Finally, the conclusion of the research, which thinks that poets are of a complete awareness of the poets in the handling and using the mask in various and fruitful forms. Keywords: The mask, Saudi Poetry Textual, Analytical Study.

  • Dr. Ziad Ali Alharthi
  • Reseived: 2021 Received in Revised Form: 2021 Accepted: 2021

The research is aimed at revealing the causes of such weeping or crying as human emotion in Albuhtri's poetry and the poetic subjects based on the artistic syllabus. and has dealt with several topics, including: the effect of crying on the human personality as an introduction to the study, then the topics of crying in Albahtari's poetry, and it includes human crying and the crying of time, The crying of the place, along with the analysis of some poetic models, then the effect of artistic crying on Albuhtry's poetry, trying to highlight this artistic effect in his poetry through words, styles, images, music, ideas, imagination, and emotion. Keywords: Albuhtri, Crying, Poetry.

  • Dr. Abdul Rahman Othman Mohamed Al Yatimi
  • Reseived: 2021 Received in Revised Form: 2021 Accepted: 2021

Precedent Scholars were concerned in the Origins of Grammar to inlay and determine the rules of the Arabic language, paying great attention to that, in terms of Qur’anic Accuracy and its Parsing. Whenever they differ on an issue, they would reverse to Arabs’ Speech ‎‎ (Induction and Analogy). This research aimed to collect several grammatical issues that Al-Zajjaj reversed to Arabs’ speech in his Book “Ma'aani Al-Qur'an wa I'raabihi”.However, Scholars have differed in their Origin and Rule by discussing them scientifically to show weather his inference is valid or not‎, and whether it agrees with the consensus of grammarians or disagrees with them, then the Researcher decides which one is correct after Identifying the spatial and temporal limits to establish rules with their speech and know the methodology of Precedent Scholars in that. Keywords: Al-Zajjaj‎, Grammatical issues, Arabs’ Speech, Temporal limits, Spatial limits, Scholars Methodology.

  • Dr. Sultana bint Mohamed bin Mushabab Al Saleh Al Shahrani
  • Reseived: 2021 Received in Revised Form: 2021 Accepted: 2021

Research Aim: To reveal the effect of intention on the inflectional aspects of names and verbs, To highlight the relationship between the speaker's intention and the grammatical function of word types, To manifest the effect of intention on the inflectional aspect in terms of establishing, justification, and weighting, and To determine the effect of intention on the syntactic dispute of Al-Farra’, Research Methodology: The descriptive approach which is based on extrapolating intentions of the book as well as studying, classifying, analysing, and discussing them, Important Results: The study includes more than thirty subjects. It determines the effect of intention on Al-Farra’s syntactic guidance in four areas: the establishment, justification and weighting of inflectional aspect, the multiplicity of the inflectional aspect, the diversification of the grammatical function, and the syntactic dispute. It also reveals the high standing of intention in the grammar lesson. On the other hand, it denies the idea that the Arab grammarians' interest of the language forms came at the expense of their interest of intentionality. Though, it can be said that they have combined the two in a way that is interconnected and integrated. Finally, it defines clearly the term “intention”. This study recommends the effect of intention on linguistic establishment which can be studied at the four levels: phonological, semantic, morphological, syntactic in grammatical records, relevant interpreting books, and language dictionaries. Keywords: Intention, Al-Farra’, Meanings of the Qur’an, Speaker’s will, Syntactic Guidance.

  • Dr. Muneera Bint Nasser Bin Zayed Al-Ghamdi
  • Reseived: 2021 Received in Revised Form: 2021 Accepted: 2021

Sibawayh’s book was distinguished by its richness, breadth and depth; even in its time, it was called "The grammar Quran", Hence this research is entitled: (Morphological abominable in Sibawayh's book - plural as a model). The research dealt with studying and analyzing the morphological positions of the abominable in the book of Sibawayh- plural as a model, studying the methods of Sibawayh in expressing the abominable, and clarifying the attitude of the morphologists to what Sibawayh ruled as abominable, As for the research methodology, it is the descriptive and analytical method for studying the positions of morphological abominable for the plural in Sibawayh's book, The nature of the research necessitated that it consisted of an introduction and two themes. The first theme includes two topics. The first topic included defining the abominable in the language and in the terminology of jurists, grammarians in addition to the sections of the abominable in jurisprudence, while the second topic included the methods for expressing the abominable, On the other hand, the second theme entitled: The causes of abomination through Sibawayh's point of view, which was divided into two topics. The first topic included the causes for confusion abomination, and the second topic included the causes of for leadenness abomination. Keywords: The morphology, The abominable, The Sibawayh's book, The plural.

  • Dr. Eid Mohammad Hammad Aldosari
  • Reseived: 2021 Received in Revised Form: 2021 Accepted: 2021

In this paper, I explained the meaning of both preventionand preventive measures as well as the definition of Corona virus (Covid-19) and its beginning. I also discussed in detailthe infectious and noninfectious diseases. Finally, I clarified the Islamic view concerning preventive measures and the most important measures necessary to prevent the Corona virus (Covid-19). Keywords: Measures, Prevention, Virus, Corona.

  • Dr. Abdullah Bin Ayed Bin AbudalHadi Al abudalHadi
  • Reseived: 2021 Received in Revised Form: 2021 Accepted: 2021

The researcher divided his research into an introduction، which contains: the opening، the importance of the subject and the reasons for its selection، the objectives of the research، and the research plan. The researcher made the plan into two topics، and in each topic, there are several requirements, Then the researcher made the first topic which addresses the jurisprudential provisions related to locusts in worship، and made it into five requirements. Then he made the second topic which addresses jurisprudential provisions related to locusts in transactions and made it into five requirements as well. Then the researcher concluded his research with the most important results، then the index of sources and references, The researcher has showed، through this research، that many issues related to locusts are subject to disagreement among jurists، and he mentioned the sayings of jurists in every matter and evidence of every saying and showed the outweighing opinion according to his view in this matter. The researcher realized، through the research، the need of people to know these provisions، whereas many of these provisions are related to their religion and the worship of their Lord، and they have to do with the acts of worship، as well as transactions، and he also realized the capacity of Islamic law، and its coverage of all life affairs، and that it is valid for every time and place. Keywords: Judgments, Jurisprudence, Locusts, Juristic Questions, A Comparative Juristic Study.

  • Dr. Yousef bin Mohammad Almahmaddi
  • Reseived: 2021 Received in Revised Form: 2021 Accepted: 2021

Research title: The Nodal Evidence for the Fixed Names of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, Research goals: to collect all the Doctrine evidence that the names of the Prohet Mohammed peace be upon him from the Hadith and display them based on the Sunnis and to disscuss the diviation that appeared on some of the Sofis, Research method: Based on the scientific methods of Inducting the words of the ancestors about the Hadith to analyze them and to connect every aspect that is related to the doctrine based on the Hadith, Main results: This Hadith is one of the correct Hadiths about the names of the prohet and the names mentioned are of the most correct of them and their doctorine evidence are based upon: Deity unification: especially praising bondage, the calling to monotheism and the fighting was of polytheism, The prophecies: By the acknowledgement of the Status of the prohet Mohammed peace be upon him and the fact that he was the last of the prophets, The day of Judgment (Yawm ad Din): The evidence of some of the signs of the day of Judgment resurrection, Important recommendations: To pay attention to the study of prophet Mohammed’s names peace be upon him , To educate about them with a scientific letter based on the Sunnis method ,to show the mistakes made by the violators and how to respond to them. Keywords: Evidence, Doctrine, Names and the Prophet.

  • Dr. Nader Bin Buhar Bin Muteb Alotaibi
  • Reseived: 2021 Received in Revised Form: 2021 Accepted: 2021

The current research, entitled (Belief Issues Related to the Coronavirus Pandemic) aims at: introducing the reality of epidemics in general, and how the current pandemic denotes the power and greatness of Allah. The research also aims at clarifying the issues of belief related to trust in Allah, fear, hope, infection, and pessimism; furthermore, it identifies the relationship between the pandemic and belief in destiny, and mentions the ways that could possibly help preventing the pandemic, Following an analytical inductive approach, the research has reached some important results among which is that Coronavirus, Covid-19, is one of the most severe types of viruses that have infected the world, and that our Almighty Allah has a wisdom behind these afflictions and epidemics, that could possibly be a reward for righteous deeds for some people, whereas for other people an atonement of bad deeds, and a penalty for others. The results also showed that the pandemic has assured the power of our Almighty Allah and his great authority; and that prevention procedures against the pandemic should be done first, and trust in Allah. The results also showed that the justified fear of the pandemic which has its reasons and effects, is a normal and accepted fear, so a Muslim should put his hope in Allah the Almighty and believes that infection is under the control of Allah, and happens by His willing, procuration, and orders. Among the important results is the great efforts conducted by the government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to face the pandemic, and that there are reasons why people should protect themselves from the pandemic. Keywords: Measures, Prevention, Virus, Corona.

  • Dr. Tariq bin Saeed bin Abdullah Al-Qahtani
  • Reseived: 2021 Received in Revised Form: 2021 Accepted: 2021

To publish and investigate the book by explaining the differences through comparing the copies of the manuscript or other editions of the books that mentioned part of it. Research aims: Contributing to the dissemination and study of the doctrine (Aqeedah) of Imam al-Shafi’i-may Allah have mercy on him - one of the four Jurist Imams. Most important results: 1-The authenticity of the attribution of this book to the author - Sadr al-Din al-Yasufi-has been proven through a scientific method, which is: by looking at the book's chain of transmission and mentioning the scholars who cited from it or referred to it, and by examining the content of the doctrine through making a comparison with other books and sayings of Shafi’i. 2- The book is a fatwa or an answer to a question received by Imam al-Shafi’i and narrated from him. 3- This belief proves that there is a difference in the principles, methodology, and method of inference between Imam al-Shafi’i and the scholars who are affiliated with his jurisprudence. 4- The doctrine contained two parts, the first on the issue of names and attributes, and it affirmed the following attributes: hearing, sight, hands, face, feet, laughter, descent, the prescription of the eyes, seeing Allah, and the fingers, and the second section contains the description of the Sunnah belief of Imam al-Shafi’i, and it touched on a group of issues. Keywords: Investigation, book.

  • Dr. Mishaal bin Humaid Al-Luhaibi
  • Reseived: 2021 Received in Revised Form: 2021 Accepted: 2021

The research topic: The researcher collected the sayings of Al-Hafiz Yahya bin Muhammad bin Sa`d in wound and modification and studied it by comparing the statements of other critics. Comparative analytical. The study began with an introduction explaining the importance of the research, the research plan, and the research methodology, then divided the narrators whom Al-Hafiz Yahya bin Muhammad bin Saed spoke into into two parts. The first (amendment) and the second (the wound), then outline the features of the method Al-Hafiz Yahya bin Muhammad bin Sa`id in the wound and modification, then the results, and recommendations. Key words: wound, modification, Ibn Sa`d, critics. Keywords: Jarh, Tadeel, Ibn Said, Critics.

  • Dr. Mohamed bin Hassan bin Zahir Alshehri
  • Reseived: 2021 Received in Revised Form: 2021 Accepted: 2021

A lot of narrators had characteristics that made them scholars of the nation in terms of endurance and performance. Among those was the great trustworthy successor the companions Al-Ahnaf Ibn Qays, chief of Tamim tribe. He embraced Islam during the time of Prophet Mohamed (all Prayers and Blessings of Allah be upon him) and was one of the delegates who came to Umar (Allah be pleased with him) during his Caliphate. He was one of the Leaders of Ali’s (Allah be pleased with him) army during the battle of Saffin. He was a knowledgeable fluent believer and was appointed ruler of Khurasan, The companions’ mention of a narrator and his interpretation does not mean that he is a companion. He might have witnessed the advent of slam but did not see the Prophet; therefore, it is not right to call a person a companion pursuant to the rule that a companion must be one who saw the Prophet even from a distance as is the case with Al-Ahnaf Ibn Qays. It is also not right to consider him one of the disputable companions; rather, he should be said that he was one of the senior successors of the companions, Due to his publicity, almost no biography book ignores news about Al-Ahnaf Ibn Qays; rather it mentions him as an example of discretion, wisdom and righteousness. Despite the paucity of his narrations, the researcher chose to study the narrations ascribed to the Prophet in a research entitled “Al-Ahnaf Ibn Qays’s Narrations Ascribed to the Prophet: A Study of Hadith”, The study falls in two chapters preceded by an introduction and followed by a conclusion and a list of references as follows: Chapter One: Al-Ahnaf Ibn Qays’s Biography, and it consists of four sections: Section 1: His name, lineage and birth, Section 2: His class, masters and disciples, Section 3: Scholars’ opinions of him, and some of his physical and ethical qualities, Section 4: Characteristics of Al-Ahnaf Ibn Qays, Chapter Two: Al-Ahnaf Ibn Qays’s Narrations Ascribed to the Prophet. Keywords: Narrations, Al-Ahnaf Ibn Qays, A Study of Hadith.