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Albaha University Journal of Human Sciences (BUJHS)

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  • Dr. Azala M. Alghamdi
  • Reseived: 2020 Received in Revised Form: 2020 Accepted: 2020

Purpose: The purpose of the current study is to explore the degree to which academic leaders at Saudi universities perceived the concepts of entrepreneurial leadership. Also, to what extent do other demographic variables influence academic leaders’ perceptions of entrepreneurial leadership concepts. Methodology: A quantitative research design was adopted. The study population consisted of the academic leaders at four public universities in Saudi Arabia; two of which are established universities and two emerging universities. A stratified random sampling method was used by stratifying the sample according to the university type, with a total of 313 academic leaders participating in this study. Findings: Overall, the result indicates that academic leaders at Saudi universities moderately discerned the concepts of entrepreneurial leadership (M = 4.00, SD = 0.28). Particularly, academic leaders at Saudi universities highly perceived the entrepreneurial leadership dimension of visionary leadership (M = 4.41, SD = 0.45), and moderately perceived the dimensions of leadership innovation (M = 4.17, SD = 0.37), proactiveness (M = 4.13, SD = 0.32) and risk-taking (M = 3.31, SD = 0.42), respectively. The findings did not indicate significant differences (α = 0.05) among academic leaders in the average insights regarding their perceived concepts of entrepreneurial leadership that can be attributed to gender, occupation and leadership experiences in higher education as a whole. However, the study revealed significant differences in favor of established universities regarding the variable of university type. In conclusion, Saudi universities receive massive support and they have an orientation towards competition and development, hence the adoption of the entrepreneurial leadership concept as a modern leadership style is needed. Thus, this study recommends enhancing the concepts of entrepreneurial leadership in universities through holding training programs, seminars and workshops within the universities to raise awareness of entrepreneurship in academic leaders’ practices. Additionally, taking advantage of the high awareness of the visionary dimension for academic leaders with prompting their ability to take calculated risks would be beneficial to reach a more entrepreneurial approach in all university activities. Keywords: Entrepreneurial Leadership; Academic Leaders; Saudi universities.

  • Dr. Nora Mesfer Attia Al zahrani
  • Reseived: 2020 Received in Revised Form: 2020 Accepted: 2020

Young people in every nation are the foundation of its renaissance, hope for its future and the center of hope, as they have hopes of changing the reality of life and achieving the desired goals and achieving progress, hence the thinking in directing young people a good direction and preparing it to bear the burdens of a virtuous life, and preparing strong and righteous youth is the project of life Future of the nation, in which it finds the guarantee to maintain what is built. The stage of youth is one of the most dangerous stages that a person goes through in his life, as his growth is rapidly increasing, and then he moves to the stage of manhood. This study aims mainly to identify the relationship between the administrative awareness of youth and the extent of responsibility in the Al-Baha region. This research follows the descriptive-analytical approach and is intended to define the conditions and relationships that exist between the facts and is not limited to collecting and tabulating data but extends beyond that as it includes a degree of interpretation of these data and obtaining accurate facts about the existing conditions. Data for this study will be collected using the personal interview questionnaire. The form may include the following axes: - Social and economic characteristics of the teenager's family. (The educational level of the mother and father, the age of the mother and father, the average family monthly income). The characteristics of the adolescent (age, number of brothers and sisters, order of birth). The administrative awareness of adolescents with its various dimensions, which are (goal setting, planning, organization, implementation and monitoring, evaluation). The results showed that the average level of awareness prevailed in the goal-setting step for girls, while the high level prevailed in this step for boys. As for the planning step, it was found that the level of awareness was average for girls more than for boys and concerning the organizing step it was found that the high level is prevalent for both boys and girls. It was also found that the implementation, monitoring, and evaluation step prevailed at a high level for both boys and girls. It was found that each sample of boys and girls (100%) has a high level of administrative awareness. It was noted that the affinity between boys and girls is at all levels of social responsibility, whether low, medium or high. Also, there were statistically significant differences between the averages of the degrees of boys and girls in the level of social responsibility bearing at the level of significance (0.05). The study demonstrated the presence of a positive correlation statistically significant at the level of significance (0.01) between the level of administrative awareness of youth in the Baha region in all its dimensions and the level of They bear social responsibility. Keywords: Al-Baha Area, Administrative Awareness of Youth, Social and Economic Responsibility.

  • Dr. Nasser bin Abdullah bin Nasser Al-Shahrani
  • Reseived: 2020 Received in Revised Form: 2020 Accepted: 2020

The study aimed at identifying the effectiveness of a proposed strategy based on the STEM approach to the development of critical thinking and academic self in science for middle school 9th grade، students who have a different learning styles. The study used the experimental method، where the semi-experimental design of Pre-post testing was administered for two groups، one experimental and the other control. The sample consisted of (64) students from 9th grade divided to two groups، first group have (30) students. They studied the "Electromagnetic" module by using a proposed strategy based on the STEM input and the other group has 34 students studied by using normal way. The study used two tools: critical thinking and academic self-measurement. The results revealed statistically significant differences at (0.05) between the mean scores of the experimental group and the control group in both the achievement in post testing for critical thinking test and its sub-skills for students of the experimental group. with high impact of the proposed strategy in each skill (conclusion، identify assumptions) with average influence in the skill of elicitation، the effect of the strategy was low on the skill of interpretation، the strategy's impact was high in critical thinking. The study also found there is no statistically significant differences at the level of significance (0.05) between the average scores of students in the experimental and control groups in the measure of academic self as a whole and its sub-dimensions except one dimension is (full preoccupation with tasks and bearing difficulties) and the impact of the proposed strategy in this dimension was low، There were no statistically significant differences at the level of significance (0.05) between the average scores of the experimental group students in the post-application to test critical thinking and the academic self-measure attributable to the variable educational pattern (visual، auditory، active) Keywords: Science Teaching, Integration Approach, STEM, Critical Thinking, Academic Self, Learning Styles.

  • Dr. Rahma Mohamed Saleh Alghamdi
  • Reseived: 2020 Received in Revised Form: 2020 Accepted: 2020

The study aimed to identify the level of practicing management by walking around among the academic leaders at Al Baha University and its impact on the job performance of administrative staff. To achieve the objectives, a questionnaire was prepared to collect the data which consisted of two parts, for the degree of management practice by walking around, and items for the job performance. The sample was selected randomly of female administrative staff (160). The study findings are practicing management by walking around among the academic leaders in general was average. The job performance level of administrative staff was very high. The results did not show statistically significant differences in practicing management by walking around due to the workplace and service years. Differences were attributed to the scientific qualifications. There is appositive effect of the management by walking around and the job performance. Keywords: Management by Walking Around, Job Performance, Administrative Staff.

  • Dr. Abdulwahed bin Saud Al-Zahrani
  • Reseived: 2020 Received in Revised Form: 2020 Accepted: 2020

The study aimed to reveal the degree of satisfaction of the faculty members at Albaha University with their research activities and the performance of senior management in the field of scientific research from their point of view, the degree of their satisfaction with the performance of higher management for their roles in developing scientific research at Albaha University, as well as the degree of their satisfaction with the availability of strengthened aspects of the research culture The scientific community at the university, and the study community was represented in all 895 members of the faculty at Albaha University, and the study sample consisted of (132) faculty members representing most of the university’s faculties, chosen by simple random sampling method (14.7%) of the members of the community, and the questionnaire was used As a tool for the study, the study reached a number of results, the most important of which is that the total score of the questionnaire came as an average with a mean of 3.25 and a standard deviation of 1.19. The private area of faculty members ’satisfaction with their research activities came in second place with an average mean of 3.45 and a standard deviation of 1.15. It also came after faculty members’ satisfaction with the performance of senior management in the field of scientific research came in sixth place with an average score of 2.60 and a standard deviation of estimated 1.21. Keywords: Teaching Staff Satisfaction, Research Performance, Scientific Research, Albaha University, Research Productivity.

  • Dr. Ali Mohammed Ahmed Al Musawi Alghamdi
  • Reseived: 2020 Received in Revised Form: 2020 Accepted: 2020

Research Problem: The emergence of some speaking anxiety aspects for Arabic language learners of other languages, the lack of self-efficacy in dialogue. This requires to build a program based on the communicative approach for treating this speaking anxiety and lack of self-efficacy in the dialogue, Research Methodology: the researcher will use the following two methodologies: analytical descriptive methodology and The experimental approach in its semi-experimental design, Research Sample: (60) students of the second level at The Institute of Arabic Language for Non-Native Speakers, Islamic University in Medina Munawarah, Research Tools and subjects : Speaking Anxiety Aspects Questionnaire, Dialogue Self-Efficacy Questionnaire, Foundations of Methodology Building Questionnaire, Program based on Communicative Approach in Treating Speaking Anxiety and Self-Efficacy in Dialogue and includes: (Student Book, Teacher Guide, ), Speaking Anxiety Aspects Text, observation card of Self-Efficacy in Dialogue, Statistical Methods used in The Research: The research found that there is a statistically significant difference at the level of significance (0.01) between the mean scores of Arabic language speakers whom speaking in other languages in the pre- and post-test applications to test speech anxiety and measure the dimensions of self-efficacy in dialogue in favor of post-application Keywords: Communicative Approach, Speaking Anxiety, Self-Efficacy in Dialogue, Arabic Language Non-Native Learners.

  • Dr. Abdullah bin Falah M. AL- Shahrani
  • Reseived: 2020 Received in Revised Form: 2020 Accepted: 2020

The study aimed at providing a suggestion to reinforce the national character of the tertiary students in light of the vision of the kingdom (2030). For achieving this aim, the study followed the descriptive analytical approach. A questionnaire was used for a sample of (279) students from university of Bisha. The study came to a number of findings, some of which: High education institutions have a high degree in reinforcing the national character, with a mean (2.37). The role of the students' activities was the highest with a mean (2,51). The next was the role of the university courses with a mean (2.29). It was the least in reinforcing the character. There were no statistical differences between the means of the responses of the sample about the total role of the institutions of high education in reinforcing the native character of the students and its branches represented by the syllabuses, the university staff member, and the role of the activities. The study came out with a suggested perception for reinforcing the national character of tertiary students in light of the vision of the kingdom (2030). Keywords: Suggested perception, Native character, University instruction, Kingdom vision 2030.

  • Prof. Dr. Hamdy Salah Elhodhod
  • Reseived: 2020 Received in Revised Form: 2020 Accepted: 2020

This study is based on one of the levels of linguistic analysis of "phonetic analysis" of Sourat al-Fath, attempting to link the phonetic structures and purposes of al Surah, as well as the context of the situation. Thus, the study is based on the analysis of the syllable structure, and the stress pattern. The study finds that the verses of al-Fath are similar in terms of sectional configuration in the section above, and do not match. Besides, verse endings are similar, not identical, in the distribution of word stress, the study analyzes the length feature revealing that the provision of recitation such as long vowels, nasals, silencing and diphthongs, have several functions like: translating the purpose of the Sura like evangelizing, denying, blaming, educating, intimidating g or deterring. All these are employed to attract the listeners' attention and have a psychological impact on the part of the listener, the study selected a sample of its vocabulary, in order to detect the relationship between their sounds and their implications, and the harmony of this vocabulary with the purposes of Surah. It is noticed that, throughout the sura the explosive and voiced sounds are used to express the strong, difficult, shrill or terrible meaning. This is a salient feature in the Quraan, on the other side Quraan also used to express the gentle meaning by a voiceless, lateral and fricative sounds. The study refers to this function through selecting a set of lexica in the context of promising and threatening. Keywords: Surat Alfath, Phoneme Significance, Syllable, Stress, Length, Tazmeen.

  • Dr. Abdul Rahman bin Zayed Al Shashaee
  • Reseived: 2020 Received in Revised Form: 2020 Accepted: 2020

It can be argued that the study of the origins of proper nouns in general and places, more recently designated as Toponymy, is of great significance since these are intimately linked to man and his life. In its widest scope, Toponymy is concerned with geographical and astronomical identification, though it can be narrowly be interpreted as denoting names of towns, villages and other inhabited places, In the current study, Toponymy is synonymous with the investigation of the names of both inhabited and uninhabited locations insomuch as this will aid in understanding linguistic development and an important indicator of historical-linguistic research and the evolution of languages and dialects, This study concentrates on two aspects, namely the morphological structure as well as the social and lexicographical semantics of names. The research comprises an introduction, an Overview as well as three chapters and -a conclusion. The Introduction underscores the significance of the study, its nature and methodology. On the other hand, the Overview is devoted to introducing Al Mikhwa Province, its geography, population, and dialects. Regarding the first chapter, it includes the material of the study, namely a list of the topnymy of names in the province which have been diacritized where possible. The locations of these places have been identified and, subsequently, categorized into four areas. The first of these is wadis” valleys”, numbering 60. The second is villages and quarters which total 298. On the other hand, mountains, and fortresses number about 28, while there were31 case of unidentified and other location names. The second chapter was devoted to the morpho-structural study and its implications. It covered three topics such as the singularity and pluralism of names. The second areas were the morphological forms of geographical names, their evolution and interpretation. The third was a study of certain linguistic structural phenomena, the third chapter contained only two topics which were related to the semantics of names. The first of these was a general analysis of widely circulated phrases in the area. The second was a detailed study of the semantic fields. This was an attempt to assigns all the proper nouns to the twelve semantic fields which are in turn progressively subdivided into smaller ones. This was followed by the Conclusion which included the important findings, recommendations as well as the references used in this research which combined a descriptive, analytical, and statistical methodology, the research reached a number of results including the fact that the inhabitants of Al Mikhwa in their naming and dialect designations employ standard phrases which have deep historical association, though here are. In contrast, there is a modern tendency to favor the insertion of the short vowel “i” in Al Mikhwa districts. Also, though of impeccably Arabic rhythms, many names have been subjected to transformation regarding spelling and vowel sounds. Moreover, the names predominantly imitate palpable objects surrounding people, such as living organisms and natural phenomena and manifestations, while preferring singular rather than plural naming conventions. It is hoped that this study has contributed to linguistic and social research and that the recommendations have opened new vistas for further historical investigations. Keywords: Al Mikhwa, Locations, A Structural, Semantic.

  • Dr. Adeeb Fayz Aldemor
  • Reseived: 2020 Received in Revised Form: 2020 Accepted: 2020

Islam is keen to keep its image pure and clear from every single satiation, and forbade exaggeration, fanaticism, aggression and hypocrisy; and considered all of this to stay away from religion and forbidden to attack non-Muslims who are safe in their homes. This research deals with the suspicions and crimes that have been attributed to Islam, which are contrary to its values and provisions, It became clear to the researcher that those who authorized these crimes mentioned correct evidences without stating what they went to, but which prevent this when checking and investigating, and here they have manipulated the people and changed the reality. As for jurisprudence diligence, these acts were considered acts of treachery, which Islam forbade and called for in fighting and warning them, the researcher also found that these criminal acts cause great harms to Islam and Muslims. They depict Islam and Muslims as terrorists in the minds of others. This is enough to keep away from the faith and believe in Allah. It also fosters hatred and hostility towards Muslims and their rituals. Keywords: Suspicion, Assault, Safe, Non-Muslims, Treachery, Jurisprudence.

  • Dr. Nayef bin Saeed Jamaan Al-Zahrani
  • Reseived: 2020 Received in Revised Form: 2020 Accepted: 2020

The research aims to completion of the study side of mental evidence which writtin by ipn jarir altabari(died:310) in his interpretation"jame'e albayan an ta'aweel ay Al-Quran" It is based on a census all placements in which he indicates the context and similar, then define them, Directory the validity of the remonstration, in interpretation, Then specification of speech in Method of ibn Jareer. in inference of them in specification and the research has been produced Statistical Issues and methodology with geat effect achieving the devision of Principles of interpretation and what attach in Context and similar in particular. Keywords: The Mental Evidence, Interpretation According, Ibn Jarir al-Tabari.

  • Dr. Fahd bin Salem Rafi
  • Reseived: 2020 Received in Revised Form: 2020 Accepted: 2020

Allah the Almighty has conferred favor upon the Ummah of Islam that bestowed them this Quran. It is regarded the life of people if they understand it. The real life is that which goes in accordance with the principle of Holy Quran and without which there is no life. The Quran came with all the requirements that servants need in their worldly life and make them happy in the life hereafter. The Quran established the system of the family, society, the judiciary, politics and governance. It also corrected the beliefs, rectified people’s thought, and refined their behavior. In light of what has been reviewed, the present research emerged as to point out what Sura Quraish has subscribed to fundamentals of human life through four aspects without which life cannot stand: social relations, explanation of human function and purpose in this life, declaration of body protection and security, and averting harm. The research pointed out the importance of linking life with Quran and that life cannot be separated from religion. The research also proclaimed the status of the sacred house and its survival for human life. Keywords: Necessities, Life, Sura, Qurash.