Faculty of Science and Arts in Baljurashi

Faculty of Science and Arts in Baljurashi

The Faculty of Science and Arts in Baljurashi is a branch of the University of Al-Baha, which annually celebrates a number of graduates specialized in various disciplines that meet the needs of the job market. It is one of the scientific and research beacons of Al-Baha University, which is committed to the advancement of its employees scientifically and academically as it seeks to develop and serve the community, as well as to help in the management of the progress that is witnessed by our blessed country.

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Department of Mathematics

The Department of Mathematics

About: Introduction

The Department of Mathematics is one of the major departments that attempt to achieve distinction in scientific field, research projects and community service.

About: Message

Pioneering excellent outcomes in mathematics and its applications

About: Objectives

1 –To prepare qualified graduates contributing in the comprehensive development service witnessed across the country.

2 - To attract talented students in mathematics in order to qualify them to work as demonstrators and research assistants  and become staff members of the future.

3 - To meet the demands of the community in bridging the gap in the fields of education and scientific application aspects. 

4 – To provide helpful courses for the faculty programmes and the other faculties of science.

About: Programs

The program qualifies its graduates for Mathematics-oriented jobs

Academic Consulting

    1. Alumni Unit
    2. Academic Chancellery Unit
    3. Students Advisory Unit

Academic Accreditation

Work is underway to apply for academic accreditation

Contact us

Dr. Mohammed Berir, Head of the Department


00966177220601-(ex.- 173)